2023 Recap in Photos from Jake’s iPhone

Dec. 2023 Party Cam Archives | Photo Cred: Michelle Santucci

2023 was a helluva year. It brought two pretty huge life events for me. One of those was actually a loss-of-life event, when we said goodbye to our little pooch, Lola. I only knew her for the second half of her nearly 16 years of life. But in that relatively short time, she definitely became one of my best friends. I started several times to write about her passing on Jake.News, but was never able to complete a draft suitable for publishing. However, I did publish this little blurb about her on HVNY. Consequently, Lola is notably absent from the second half of the video. Because of the other life event, Britt is conspicuously not present for any outdoor sports, including moto for the second half of the vid. The reason being, that bebe Breinholt is due in March. In addition to B sitting out from hiking, moto and snowboarding, we had zero international travel this year.

In addition to the foregoing, a few events that I found notable and was able to revisit in the video include-

  • My daughter turning 16
  • Taking my dad to a Thursday afternoon Mets game
  • Hosting my parents in the Catskills
  • Britt completing her 3500s
  • Hosting my brother and his family in the Catskills
  • A motorcycle trip to Lake Placid with my friend Szabi

There are a lot of unknowns coming my way this year. I’m hoping that the arrival of bebe will be enough to distract me from the existential dread that current news items tend to give me. In case that won’t be enough, I intend to adopt this strategy found in a recent NY Times piece. Okay, I may not actually point to the sky and say “delight” out loud. But I’ll at least make a mental note and smirk.

2023 in snaps (here’s a link to prior years)-

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