Bebe’s Art Collection Pt. 2

For the second installment of this series, we will be admiring the needlepoint skills of granny B. My mom gifted our little guy the above pictured quilt featuring various portraits of the late great Lola. Lola was a very integral part of our life for many years. In many ways, I think that she help prepare us (especially in her final years/months) for what it would be like to have a newborn. She graciously bowed out of this world shortly after we learned that a small human would be joining our crew. Even prior to the birth of our little guy, there were many times that B and I wondered aloud how Lola would react to his arrival, as well as wishing that she could have somehow stuck around long enough to meet the boy.

I’m not sure how she did it, but my mom, who is a veteran quiltrix absolutely nailed Lola’s likeness on this quilt. Maybe he never got to snuggle her in person, but at least our little dude can bundle up with Lola whenever he is getting cozy under this quilt.

Detail of the Remarkable Likeness of Lola’s Little Mug

Backside of the Quilt

Detail of the Backside of the Quilt

I’ll finish up this story by reporting that this was one of TWO quilts that Granny B created for Bebe Breinholt. The other one, equally meaningful, is constructed of blocks cut from the massive collection of flannel shirts that I wore throughout high school. Pretty incredible stuff! Here is one more photo of the Lola quilt for good measure-

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