Old School Transparency


Last summer I saw some atypical wall art (in a bar, in Jersey) that caught my attention and got my creative wheels turning. In this bar is a light box hanging on the wall with 35mm slides mounted under glass. The slides are backlit by they light box. I liked the way that it made me get up close to see what each of the individual images were. I decided that I wanted to replicate the piece, putting my own spin on it and using my own images. This was part of the impetus of picking up a manual 35mm camera again this year for the first time in probably 20 years. It has been a lot of fun shooting with that thing, even though it is one more camera to lug around. I’m trying to keep it as simple as possible though, using only a 50mm lens and shooting mostly natural light. This way I can avoid being weighed down with extra glass and strobes.

Last week, I had the first roll of slides developed. There were a couple of images that I really liked. But, for sure Sturgeons law was in full effect. I put together a little makeshift light box to get an idea of the aesthetic. Just for fun, the top image is linked to the full resolution file. I had to compromise on the image quality quite a bit to get the file size small enough for a manageable upload. But I feel like there are still enough pixels to get the gist. I also included a couple of details in the images below.

After shooting 2 or 3 more rolls, I plan to start building the light box. Stay tuned! Ha.



De La Weekend: Hop Sauce Edition


B + bubbles at the Hop Sauce Festival

What was forecast to be a very soggy weekend, ended up being sunny and delightful. We ended up in Beach Haven again last weekend because we needed to pick up the dog (who splits her time between Manhattan and the beach). The weather was nice enough that I actually go in the water. It was still a little brisk, but definitely doable.

Saturday was the third iteration of Beach Haven’s ‘Hop Sauce Festival.’ It is a festival that features regional craft beer, along with small batch purveyors of hot sauces. Food was available from a bunch of the local spots and the live music was also homegrown. We had a great time and left with scorched tongues from sampling all of the different sauces.

De La Weekend (America’s Cup)


The weather here has been a bit bananas. It rained for about 10 days straight and didn’t break 60 degrees. Then Sunday happened. The forecast all week was heavy rain for Sunday. Instead we got sunshine and breeze. I normally don’t care for the breeze. But America’s Cup happened this weekend. I generally try to avoid gatherings of 30k or more humans in public spaces. But when sailboat racing happens in my neighborhood, it is kind of hard not to step out and take a gander. Also, B used to race sailboats. So I had a front row seat at one of the world’s premier sailboat racing events and expert commentary from a sexy woman. It was actually pretty awesome. Here are some snaps–









Staying Sane


Welp, B is in China. I’m going a little nuts w/o her here. Have tried very hard to keep myself busy. Weekend is not even over yet. Put together this little gem tho. I slapped a gopro onto the underside of Trixie’s handlebars for a Saturday ride across the Brooklyn Bridge. Apologies for my fat face starting into the lens in the beginning. It gets “good” if you can make it past the elevator. If you have 5 spare mins, enjoy.

mnhtn —> bkln via bicycle from Jacob Breinholt on Vimeo.

Belgium’s ‘The Crystal Ship’ 2016


Roa Detail

The city of Ostend, Belgium hosts the (mostly) large scale art festival called The Crystal Ship. Among the participating artists are a couple of my favorites. The Belgian native Roa contributed to the collection (image directly above and below). I love his stuff, and actually met him a while back.

Faith47 was also a contributor to The Crystal Ship (second to bottom). She has a huge piece that I love in DUMBO painted in an underpass. She also has a really cool piece at Wynwood. But I’m seriously digging this piece.

Finally, I seriously love perspective pieces. There are a few pretty cool ones painted for the festival. But my favorite is the one by 1010 (bottom image). Hoping to be able to check these all out in person, at some point. Check the full recap on Juxtapoz.







All Images Via Juxtapoz

De La Weekend (1 WTC)


I had a very event filled weekend, spent with close friends and family. During the course of it all, we paid a visit to the new One World Observatory at the top of 1 WTC. The experience did not disappoint. I generally avoid tourist traps, because I don’t have the patience to wait in lines. But for a few extra $$ you can skip the line and go straight to the top. So, we went that route. I want to go back again when I am not on such a tight schedule, so that I can spend more time up there. It was a pretty clear day with great visibility. I would highly recommend the experience.



Utah x Ether “Probation Vacation”


Part of me feels like “urban exploring” and graff has become a little bit passe, especially since the advent of instagram giving kodak courage to the masses when it comes to these activities. Then there is another part of me that still has favorites in this realm, especially when it comes to graff. Without getting delving back into the question of “what is art?”, I will disclose that my bias lies with those artists whose work pre-dates the onset of social media madness.

As a law abiding citizen and responsible adult, I can’t really condone vandalism or property damage. I also have my opinions about thrill seeking at the expense of personal safety and the safety of others. Now that the disclaimers are out of the way, I have to admit that I have been a longtime fanboy of the woman/man graff duo Utah and Ether. They descended from Chicago’s MUL crew and went on to become globetrotting scofflaws. You can find an interview from 2013 over here for more background.

In addition to appreciating the aesthetic appeal of their work, I find the “romantic couple” dimension of their story quite fascinating. They were both arrested in 2008 after a painting spree spanning multiple continents and 10+ countries. Needless to say, the arrests didn’t slow them down much. They have recently released the first two installations of a series of videos titled “Probation Vacation: Lost in Asia” produced by The Grifters. Episode 2, shot in India is embedded below. You can catch the first one (Turkey) over here.

UTAH & ETHER – PROBATION VACATION: LOST IN ASIA (Episode 2 – India) from The Grifters on Vimeo.

Image: screen grab from above video

De La Weekend (Maine)


We spent the long Easter weekend up north in a town near Portland Maine. One of B’s good friends from college lives there with her family. Her husband is a ridiculously talented chef. It was really nice to get out of the city, enjoy some fantastic company and amazing cuisine. This post is kind of photo-heavy because there was so much good stuffs to shoot. We checked out the lighthouse and old WWII era military installations at Fort Williams Park in Cape Elizabeth. There are also some snaps from wandering around downtown Portland. The Paella below was seriously better than Barcelona. I wish that I would have used a tighter aperture for that photo though, because the depth of field is more shallow than the Kardashians. Some serious amateur hour moves going on behind the camera in that one. Despite the terrible photo (two photos actually), I think that pro skills on display in front of the camera, along with the deliciousness of the food transcends the blown out bokeh.  Very good times were had. Can’t wait to get back there when it is a bit warmer.


Pre-Easter Round Up


Getting an early jump on the weekend this week. Also extending it through Monday. It’ll be nice to get out of town for the holiday and breathe some country air. Before that, I’m dropping these images. Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of attending Baldwin’s F/W 2016 preview. Baldwin is out of Kansas City and is known for their denim with the signature white rivet on the back pocket. The presentation was dope. The looks were fantastic. Unfortunately, none of my images turned out very sharp. I wanted to bring something very small to shoot the event, but I forget how bad the AF is on my rangefinder in low light. Anyway, I feel like you can get the idea. I really like the look in the last image below: first lady model on the left, hoodie/wool jacket combo.

This is my first (and possibly last) attempt at a ’roundup’ type of post. So if you have the time and attention span to go down the rabbit hole, peep below for some links out to other good stuffs (also peep the rest of the Baldwin images [duh])–

For my moto friends: Enter to win this SoCal adventure touring freebie from the Gear Patrol Guys, et al.

Art/Photo/Design/Journalist peeps: Throw your hat in the ring to cover Barcelona Design Week for Booooooom!

Skate kids/Fellow Gen Xers: Read this super interesting piece on Jake Phelps 20+ Year Editor of Thrasher Magazine a/k/a the Anna Wintour of Skateboarding.

Street Art Fanz: As if going to college in San Diego did not already provide enough visual stimulation, El Mac just finished a very sick large scale piece on the UCSD campus.

Lastly, treat your wait staff well this weekend (and always).





