House of Gant

Even though I haven’t been shooting as much fashion lately, I didn’t want to completely sit out on this round of NYFW. Last week I popped by GANT’s S/S 2016 presentation. I have a thing for labels that steer clear of using shock in an attempt to create buzz. It seems like NYFW has been becoming more carnival-esqe with each successive season.

I appreciated the lack of theatrics at the GANT presentation. The collections (they showed 3: GANT Originals, Rugger and Diamond G) were equally pleasing. Nothing wacky, no shock factor. Lots of solids and conservative cuts. Totally my jam. Here are some of my favorite looks.

So stoked about this

A Message from Our Sponsor - flat

For the first time since his May Day show that closed down the former Jeffery Deitch Gallery on Wooster Street in 2010, Shepard Fairey is opening a solo show in NYC. The exhibition will be held at the Jacob Lewis Gallery. Details below:

September 18, 2015—October 24, 2015
Jacob Lewis Gallery
521 West 26th Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10001 Tel: (212) 643-6353


Leica Q



I had a bit of envy last week as I was perusing the pages of Gear Patrol. Envy is not an uncommon reaction when I look at that site because so much of the content is right up my alley, and my friends are the ones creating it. The instance that I’m specifically referring to is when I came across this review of the new Leica Q. My comrade Henry lugged one along with him on a trip that the GP folks did to Wyoming. From the feedback that Henry provided, I’m ready to trade in the Fujifilm X100s and put the dollars towards the Q. Or better yet, maybe someone could just get me one for my birthday 😉 Peep the rest of the images and full review over here.

[Img: Gear Patrol]

Beachy Vibes
This is the part of the Jersey shore that Snooki has never been to. No boardwalks, no biker gangs– this is Beach Haven.

Define ‘Art’

A blurry cell phone photo of my shoes and some sidewalk vandalism claiming to be art.

This bit of visual pollution has been showing up all over the city lately. While I might have been able to look past the fact that it is illegal and ugly because the message is one that resonates with anyone who has ever been burned by someone they love (a.k.a everyone), I cannot get past the not-so-subtle insinuation that this tripe excuse of a stencil is “art.” Wink wink, we’ll paint the “a-r-t” a different color, so people know that it is art. I know that the definition of art is very subjective. Everyone has shaken their head a time or two while at the museum when viewing a questionable mixed media piece that looks exactly like that pile of vomit at the bottom of the subway stairs from the morning commute. You know the one– the one that is on loan from the private collection of so-and-so. So-and-so paid 7 figures for it in the late 80s. I guess my point is that it is probably not my place to try to say what is and is not art.

But… I will make a few observations. Because, in case the snark was not strong enough in the preceding paragraph to give away my opinion of this so called [he]art, I am not a fan. Just because you used spray paint and stencils does not make you an artist, dude. Clue number one that #pyh might not actually be art: If the art has to tell you that it is art, it probably isn’t. It’s like those people on tinder who have stuff in their profile like “gentleman” or “classy girl.” Meanwhile everyone knows they edited their profile to say that while they were in the bathroom on their third date of the night, and creeped their way to second base publicly at the bar on all three dates. Clue number two: Untimely use of “Brooklyn grammar.” A year and a half ago shortening “your” to “yo” would have still been trying too hard, but at least way back then it would have been mildly amusing and almost okay when trying to convince someone of your ability to be clever or pseudo-edgy. Instead– reading this is like listening to your mom tell you about how her bridge club is “on fleek.” One of those things where people ask you what is wrong, because your face can’t help but give away how embarrassed you feel for everyone in a .5 mile radius of the site where the social disconnect manifested itself. You try to tell your mom that “on fleek” was over before it started, but only blood is coming out of your mouth, because your brain melted when you heard your mom say the eff word. Clue number three: The aesthetic does not appeal those who find themselves outside of scrapbooking circles or the “no parking” sign painters guild. I mean, is this art?:


Is this King?:


The answer is of course yes (to both), the same way that an old plastic Duane Reade bag can be a substitute for underwear in a pinch. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Jon Bon Jovi once said.



same but different

A Dude fishing in the Hudson River at sunset near a badass looking boat.

For the past few months I have been insanely busy. “Being busy” is one of the lamest excuses ever. Because dude, this is NYC and everyone is busy. People make time for things that are important to them. I have made a concerted effort to be a bit more private than I was in my former life. For the most part, the new directions I have taken have had very rewarding results. But there have been a few unwanted byproducts. These less than optimal results have been brought to my attention, in part, by those close to me. One such item is that I have spent less time and energy “being creative.” It was even easier to let that aspect of my life become stale after I shut down Jake’s Mag. Maybe I’ll elaborate on the reasoning for that later (but probably not). For now, I’ll just say that I mothballed it partially because it represented a phase in my life that is no longer relevant.

Another sunset photo near the George Washington Bridge.

The photos in this post have nothing at all to do with the copy, figuratively or literally. They are just some images that I have snapped recently (when I was on a bike ride last Sunday). I wasn’t able to develop them until just now because I recently updated my OS to Windows 10, which is apparently big brother’s dream. In addition to the spyware, Windows 10 doesn’t see the raw files in my Fujifilm x100s when it is tethered via UBS cable. I had to use a card reader to retrieve these images.

I’m not really sure how active I will be on Jake.News. But I think that it will be nice to have the option to post things on here, without it being muddled by former chapters of my life. I guess that is pretty much it.


A photo of a castle in a river at sunset (I take a lot of sunset photos).

Work. In. Progress. More content probably coming at some point.