No. 11 and New Dec(k)or


This was one of those times where I got so distracted by life that I didn’t even realize it was going to be a 3 day weekend until last Friday. I wasn’t at all upset when I realized that Monday was Columbus day. Saturday I completed my 11th marathon. My post-finish photo to the left is courtesy of B. It was also my first race since I had ligament reconstruction on my ankle. Even though I felt pretty good on Sunday morning, I was definitely happy to have Monday as a bonus recovery day.

B didn’t waste any time giving me a honey-do list on Monday since I was going to be around the house all day. One of the items on the list was to hang a couple of skate decks (above) that had been stacked in the corner for several weeks now.

One additional mention-worthy-item is that the weather has officially turned fallish. Driving back from Hartford on Sunday there were a lot of leaves that had already changed colors in western Connecticut near Danbury. Monday, the high temp in NYC was still cool enough to be deemed hoodie weather. I’m pretty excited about that. The in between seasons are definitely my favorite.

Lastly: my second favorite BBC1 DJ, Phil Taggart put on a fantastic session Sunday night. I’m linking to it here (avail for 30 days, only).

Oct Playlist


This is just a random photo I recently took that is similar to many of the photos that I took in my jr high school photo class.

A few days late, but here is my October playlist–

Also loving the new Banks Album.

Happy Autumn + September Playlist


I know that autumn does not officially start until September 22. But this is Labor Day weekend, and mine actually starts today. As you can see by this crappy iPhone photo, the sun has already started to move south again. This means that kids are back in school, college FB is here again, and cooler temps are hopefully around the corner. I’ll have the pleasure of spending this holiday weekend in rural Maine (as opposed to urban Maine, hehe) for a wedding. Hoping to come home with minimal mosquito bites, and with lots of good memories.

New month= new playlist. Here is my September 2016 playlist. Safe and fun Labor Day weekend!