Happy New Year!
Category Archives: Music
December 2022 Playlist
This was meant to be my 2022 “wrapped” playlist. But every time I tried to embed it, it was showing up as some other random playlist with songs I don’t even listen to. It also seems like it doesn’t load at all if I’m not signed into Spotify. So maybe it is not public? Anyway, I made this one using the top 35 songs from that list. So, here we go. See you next year!
November 2022 Playlist
Doesn’t really feel like November out there, but here we are! A short soundtrack for the beginning of winter–
October 2022 Playlist
Shorty, but a goodie-
September 2022 Playlist
Bring on Autumn!
August 2022 Playlist
August always seems to be the month where I try very hard to balance maximizing the remaining days of summer, while mentally preparing myself for the impending colder months. Marathon training starts. Daylight starts getting noticeably shorter. College football is around the corner. Some pseudo-poetic bullshit and yadda yadda yadda. Anyway, here are some jams to wind down summer-
Speaking of marathon training, here is a bonus playlist of running jams that I have been working on since the spring–
July 2022 Playlist
A lot of throwback jams in here. Straight summertime vibes. Enjoy-
June 2022 Playlist
A little poolside disco vibes with other random stuff layered in. Here we go, summer!
May 2022 Playlist
Mayday jams-
April 2022 Playlist
No April Fools here. Just April Jams. Enjoy-