September 2019 Playlist

I included a couple of Ras G tracks on here, in memoriam. The rest is all what I feel to be some good sounds for the transition from summer to fall. The rock is not really ‘in your face.’ The instrumental-ish stuff is not straight ambient, but still 100% mood. Still vibing on summer, but acknowledging shorter days and colder temps lie ahead.

July 2019 Playlist

Swampy weather and late sunsets for the next sixty days. Some new stuff and some old stuff. Some rock, some hip hop and some ambient. This playlist is appropriate for listening poolside, at the beach, or just sweating through your clothes on the subway platform. Here we go–

25 Years of Ill Communication

This album changed my life. I can’t believe that is has been 25 years. Amazon Music made a short video where Mike D, Ad Rock, and Mario Caldato Jr. describe the journey from Paul’s Boutique to Ill Communication. If you are a Beastie Boys fan, it is definitely worth the watch.

February 2019 Playlist

While my monthly playlists usually consist of mostly new music interspersed with a few throw-back tracks, this one takes the opposite approach. This decision was a product of few different experiences that I had during the month of January when I was compiling the playlist. First was a BBC essential mix I heard that was almost exclusively old disco tracks from the late 70s and early 80s. Next was the fact that so many of my regular spots in G-point play great rock. January was a big going-out month for me and I really soaked in the stuff that I was hearing. It made me realize that I don’t listen to nearly enough rock these days when I’m selecting my own jams.

A lot of the stuff that I was hearing while out and about was material from the era that I grew up in. I dropped in some Mad Season and Jane’s Addiction to this month’s mix. Both of these tracks elicit strong nostalgia of my high school and early college days. I had to mix in some Radiohead as well. Rock was really the first genre of music that drew me into music as an artistic media. So in a way, I’m starting out 2019 with a kind of “back to my roots” playlist. Of course I also included a couple of recent releases. The two that I’m mostly vibing-on are the new Bonobo track, and the new Rufus diddy. I also included the latest Chemical Brothers release. Even though they were more late college and law school for me, I’m happy to see that they are still producing high quality material. So I included their new track “MAH” even though it doesn’t really mesh so well with the rest of the songs. Anyway, enjoy-

January 2019 Playlist(s)

My actual January playlist is pretty weak. So I’m switching things up this month and dropping in 3 playlists. The first one is a playlist of some of my favorite music that I listened to in 2018. The list was made by me, not one of those AI lists compiled by the Spotify bots.

Below that playlist, you will find two of my workout playlists. People often ask me what I listen to when I run. Since the new year is a time when people find new resolve to get in shape, I figured that it was an appropriate time to share a couple of my favorite workout jams. Note: If you hate dance/club music, you can probably just skip them. Enjoy!


Workout #1

Workout #2