
I recently made it to Denmark for the first time. B subscribes to some sort of airfare deal notification email list and bought the tickets for us over the summer. We did a lot of the typical touristy stuff while we were there, and loved it. Instead of writing a full play by play download, here are a couple of highlights that we enjoyed and would recommend checking out:

Here are some photos from the trip:


B and I recently had a 6 hour layover in Iceland, and decided to try to make the most of it. We checked out the Blue Lagoon, which was a short cab ride from the airport. It was definitely worth the energy that we put into it. I would recommend it. After that small taste of Iceland, I am now itching to get back there when I can actually spend some time exploring.

Wrapping up Summer

We ventured down to the Jersey shore over the weekend. The weather was insanely good. We caught up with family, caught up with friends, caught up with Lola, got some sun, went sailing and, relaxed.

De la Weekend – Bear Mtn. Ride

Saturday morning was one of those rides where I wish I would have had my real camera with me. I saw so much good stuff. It was a little hotter than ideal, but the visibility was really good and the sky was loaded up with cartoon looking clouds. Anyway, here are a couple of images that I managed to snap with my celly.

“A Taste of New York”

Thank you LLNYC for turning me onto this video. There are a zillion videos of NYC shot in a zillion different ways. But this is one of my favorites in a while. Created by an Austrian outfit called “FilmSpektakel,” this vid takes the viewer on a timelapse of the city from a myriad of different angles, with spinning and zooming transitions between the shots. I enjoyed it quite a bit, you may also. Give it a go-

Storm King 2017

I see this place a little bit differently every time I visit. Even though I was having major allergies the entire day, I had good company and amazing weather. Always worth the trip.