There is something to be said for the vibe that summer nights embody. As near as I can tell, the unique summer night aura is a universal thing that exists in every place where the summer season is a thing. I remember feeling it when I was a youngster staying up late skateboarding with my friends. School was out, so no need to get up early. The nights were still warm enough to wear minimal clothing, yet a nice reprieve from the oppressive daylight heat. None of the problems in the world seemed to matter at all, those nights. Even though the sensory elements are very different in NYC than where I grew up, the same essence of summer night energy is present.
I brought along my range finder Friday night. I feel like the on-camera flash preserves the gritty feel of the thick wet NYC summer night air. We started out in NoLIta and hopped our way over to the East Village for some late night Crif Dogs. Capped off the night taking the pooch for a stroll to chase some rats.

One of my favorite doorways on Bowery. Even better at night.

Saw this awesome whip on the way to Crif