I recently received a huge batch of scans of 35mm film shot over the past 5-6 years. I tried out a new (to me) lab for processing called Dark Slide. It is a one-lady owned and operated lab out of CT. I read about them on Field Mag and decided to give them a shot. I mailed in two rolls of Velvia 100 and one roll of Porto slide film in Sept. It took a while to get the results (and I’m still waiting on the prints/slides). But hey, these exposed rolls were sitting on my desk for about year. So what is another six weeks? Haha. Anyway, the scans came back in high resolution .tif format. I have exported a few to JPEG and posted them here. Mega gallery below-Continue reading
Tag Archives: film
Canon AE-1
Canon AE-1 (with 50mm f/1.4): This kit is very similar to the one that I used in Jr. high when I was learning how to use an SLR. I picked it up a few years ago, with this project in mind. Since then, I have collected a few additional lenses (thanks Mike), and amassed a stack of exposed yet undeveloped film at home. The great thing about shooting film is that it causes me to be much more selective about what I actually snap. I have been observing my new surroundings for the past month, and finally broke out the 35mm this week to start documenting some of my favorite aspects with film as well. Here are a couple of more from a bygone era of normalcy.
35mm scans
When I started my 35mm slides project, I got the camera before I had a chance to order any slide film. I was so stoked to try out the camera and get familiar with its feel and function, that I wandered into a Duane Reade down the block from my apt and bought a 4-roll pack of Fujifilm color negative film (Fujicolor Superia X-tra 400 iso, to be exact). Believe it or not, you can still pick up 35mm film at most of the pharmacies and even a lot of the corner bodegas in NYC. No guaranties that it hasn’t expired. But hey, at least it is available! Anyway, I brought the AE-1 with me almost everywhere for a week or two after I loaded the first roll of film. The POS scanner I have doesn’t really do these images justice, but here are some of the prints anyway. The green hue is not some sort of VSCO filter. This is actually how they came out. There is something really fun about having to work for the shot, and not knowing if it is going to come out or not. So, yeah… Film.