Family Photo | Courtesy Sazbi Erdei Private Collection
It’s that time of year where I load all of the photos saved to my iPhone from the calendar year into a video editor and play them back at 1/4 of a second per frame. It goes without saying that, for me, the most meaningful event of 2024 was the birth of my son. He is by far and away my most photographed subject of the 2024 recap vid. Some other notable events from the year are:
- The solar eclipse in April. At our place in the Catskills, we experienced about 90% of total coverage, which was pretty cool. As a bonus, we watched it with my parents, who were in town to meet their new grandson that week!
- Something that was probably only exciting to me- we finally painted the Catskills place. I never liked that baby blue-ish color that it was painted when we bought it. But it was new paint and we couldn’t really justify spending the cash to paint over it just because I didn’t like the color.
- Something that was initially only exciting to me, but B eventually came around to- we built a garage. I should say, we had a garage built. I would have loved to have done the whole thing myself. But it would have taken me years of weekends and evenings. I did get to learn to operate a giant excavator though!
- I completed marathon number 15.
- Final item to mention is that after over 10 years of working in midtown, I’m now sitting in the Flatiron District. Still getting used to it, but overall positive. Biggest change is not being able to run in Central Park at lunchtime anymore.
Happy New Year!