Some summer jams-
Tag Archives: playlist
June 2018 Playlist
Some jams to lead into summahtime-
May 2018 Playlist
Soundtrack for May. Enjoy.
April 2018 Playlist
March 2018 Playlist
Bring on the spring weather-
February 2018 Playlist
January 2018 Playlist
Wrapped has a pretty cool app to see what were your top 100 songs of 2017. Here are my top 100 from the year. New year, same jams. Enjoy-
December 2017 Playlist
Give it a spin-
November 2017 Playlist
Some pre-turkey day jams for your enjoyment. Get ’em-
October 2017 Playlist
IDK about you guys, but I really wasn’t impressed with a lot of the new music that was released over the last summer. There was some okay stuff. But for the most part, kinda blah. When good music did come out, it was a single, not a whole album of goodness. Getting to the point, I was relatively pleased with Odesza’s new album that dropped in recent weeks. Consistent with their signature sound, etc. I feel like it may bring chill wave back into the limelight a bit. What better time than fall? That question was, of course, rhetorical. Now we just need Washed Out to make some new material. Haha. Anyway, here is ze Oct playlist-