Michelada ZPZ

In keeping with prior years, B and I go dry for the month of January. It’s a nice little reset and after about two weeks, we both typically end up wondering why we ever drink at all. But this is New York, so somehow it is almost impossible to avoid. The tricky part about navigating dry January used to be making excuses about why I can’t go out with friends. Now that I have a 10 month old child, that is no longer a challenge. What I struggle with these days is figuring out what to drink when going out to eat. Yes, water is an option. I’m a huge fan of staying hydrated. In fact, I typically drink plenty of water when I’m out to eat, in addition to whatever else I’m imbibing. But when I’m dining, I like a beverage with some flavor that can compliment the food, or at least reset the palate.Continue reading

Spring Running Gear – Nike Vaporfly 3

Brad Hall-Style Photo of the Sneaker on the Author’s Foot

I’ll start here by saying that I wanted the Alphafly 3’s but Nike sold out of the entire men’s sizes before I had time to cop, and have been out of stock since, with no word on when they will be restocked. Maybe it has something to do with this; unclear. So I rolled the dice on the above pictured Vaporfly 3’s. I’m happy to report that I have been pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoy them.Continue reading

Good Reads– ‘The Creative Act: A Way of Being’ by Rick Rubin

Rick Rubin has always been a bit of an enigma to me. I remember reading an interview he gave after Beastie Boys’ License to Ill came out (which he produced) and thinking, “wow, this guy is out there!” During that same time period he was tapped to produce some of my other favorite albums. He has received mentions in multiple other musician memoirs that I have read. So I was very curious to see what he had to say in his book “The Creative Act: A Way of Being.”

As with most of the books that I have really enjoyed recently, I didn’t realize that this book existed until I received it as a gift from B. She read it first and warned me that it might be a little too far on the ‘self-help’ end of the spectrum for my liking. At first blush, I saw what she meant. There was definitely a bit of a self-help element to it, as well as some stuff that was a bit more hippie dippy than I typically care for. But overall, I really enjoyed the text. It is one of those books that feels like there is a little something for everyone. Rubin acknowledges in one of the early chapters that the reader should take from the book the parts that make sense and discard the rest. If the book was an 800 pager, I would have probably found that notion to be offensive. Luckily, the book is much shorter than that, very densely packed and easily digestible. I would recommend this one to anyone who has any hobbies or interests outside of the daily grind.

Good Reads: Dave Grohl, The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music

B is a longstanding member of the NY Public Library system. She rips through like 2-3 books per week sometimes. Occasionally while perusing the library inventory she will pick up a book or two for me as well. Sometimes I get around to reading them, sometimes not. One of such books in the “did read” category recently was Dave Grohl’s “The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music.”Continue reading

Winter Running Gear — Salewa Jacket

The Author Cranking Through Some Winter Miles in That New Jacket. Photo: Dr. B. Maschal Private Collection.

For the past 15 years or so, I have been using a Nike waffle fleece lined neoprene zip-up for cold weather running. It has been an awesome jacket. After a few thousand trips through the washing machine, it is starting to come apart at the seams. I have been creeping the Nike website like a fiend, looking for a new one since it first started to fall apart last Autumn. Continue reading

Winter Running Gear — Nike Trail Shoes

Running in the winter can be tricky because of the mixed conditions that often exist. I find this to especially be true when spending time in the Catskills. The routes that I run typically are a mix of paved and unpaved roads. In the winter, depending on when it last snowed, the last plow, if the sun is out, etc., one can encounter everything from snow, to mud, and dry pavement, to solid ice (sometimes all on the same road!). I have some friends who wear the elastic mini crampons in the winter. I think that those would be awesome for a run that is entirely on snow or ice. But when pavement and dirt/mud are also in the mix, I feel like they would probably wear out in a handful of miles. Continue reading

Good Reads- “Barbarian Days, A Surfing Life” by William Finnegan

This book was actually a gift from B (sort of). B was the one who added it to the Amazon cart, but it was my turn to pay for the order, haha. Anyway, I’m glad she did because I loved reading this book. It had been a while since I read a book that I didn’t want to put down at the end of the night. This was definitely one of those. To enjoy this book, being a fan of surfing definitely helps. But even if surfing is not your cup of tea, Finnegan is such an incredible writer that it may not matter. The book is essentially an autobiography with an emphasis on the plentiful elements of surfing that comprise his life. The prose with which he uses to tell these stories is as artful as it is interesting. Finnegan’s tales of the ‘barbarian days’ evoke a strong sense of nostalgia for a bygone era of simpler times when the world seemed much larger and more mysterious. I highly recommend reading this book.

Good Reads: “Wayward” by Chris Burkhard

Once again I have to thank Fieldmag for turning me onto this gem. Prior to reading the Q & A Fieldmag posted, I had certainly heard of Burkhard and was semi-familiar with his work (I stopped reading surf mags before Burkhard really became a fixture in that world). But after reading the piece, I realized that he was a pretty interesting dude who probably had some cool stories to tell. A few pages into the book, I could already tell it was right up my alley. As a kid who loved photography and board sports, young me essentially dreamed of having Burkhard’s life. The stories that he tells from his early career left a little bit of FOMO pang in my gut. If you are remotely interested in photography and/or cold water surf, I highly recommend this book. The images alone are worth the flip. Plus, the hard cover makes it a very handsome addition to the coffee table.

Good Reads: ‘A Short History of Nearly Everything’ by Bill Bryson

This is another recommendation from my old man. It is actually his copy (complete with hand-marked copy editing, haha). This was my first read by Bryson, and I quite enjoyed it. Brittany has read most of his catalogue, and got so excited when I picked this thing up, that she bought me 4 or 5 other of his books to read. Anyway, the premise of this gem is that Bryson was interested in science, but could never pay attention to the dry text that is so ubiquitous in science writing. So he set out to explain science in a way that is captivating (and even entertaining). In my opinion, he succeeded. It doesn’t hurt matters that he is a pretty funny writer. I definitely recommend this book to fellow nerds.

Good Reads: Phil Knight’s ‘Shoe Dog’

I have been sitting on this one for a long time. “Shoe Dog” by Phil Knight came recommended by several friends back when it was first released. I finally knocked it out on flight last summer, but am barely getting around to posting this eightish months later. As a person who enjoys college sports, running, history and sneakers, this book checked a lot of boxes for me. Before reading this book, I had only known bits and pieces of the Nike story. My knowledge was mostly based around Prefontaine and Bowerman, but I didn’t really know much about Knight. It is a great story, and Knight is a pretty good story teller. I highly recommend checking this one out.