Tag Archives: winter
De La Weekend: Artz + Winter is here
We hit a couple of openings over the weekend. Among them was Parra’s latest work, showing at the Joshua Liner Gallery. I’d say that was my favorite of the three. We also stopped by the Allouche Gallery. It is a newish gallery in MePa. We wanted to check out the latest work by Revok. It was quite a departure from his previous stuff. It definitely is not my favorite of his. But I’m still glad we stopped by. We also happened to pop into the Paul Kasmin Gallery after Parra on Thursday night. The IVÁN NAVARRO exhibit is definitely some good intstagram fodder.
When we were in the cab headed home, winter arrived in NYC. It made for some good rainy windshield bokeh, haha.
De La Weekend (Below Freezing Edition)
It felt like winter, over the weekend. I don’t believe that the temperature managed to get above freezing. It is generally pretty quiet on weekend mornings in FiDi even when the weather is nice. Add in some arctic temperatures, and it turns into a ghost town. Mostly I just wanted to post the photo of these two cuties all bundled up on Lola’s Saturday morning walk.
Burton Presents..
It is always tough to let summer go. I’m still lamenting the fact the it is officially over. But nothing gets me in the mood for the colder weather like a good snowboarding vid. Burton had some very good timing when they dropped this gem in my inbox earlier this week. Watch Ethan Driss and Zak Hale shred, below: