I have a couple of wristwatches with metal bracelets that I rotate during the cooler months. But for several reasons, I don’t enjoy wearing metal on my wrist in warmer weather. One reason is that I sweat when it is hot outside. Feeling a metal watch sliming around on my sweaty wrist is just kind of nasty. Another is that metal watches can be heavy. In the summer months, cycling becomes my primary mode of local transportation. New York City streets are not the smoothest surfaces. Those rough streets send all kinds of vibrations up through bicycle frames. There have been instances where I received a bruise on the back of my left hand, from the spot where the crown of a metal watch was repeatedly hammering into it during my evening commute. Watches with nylon bracelets just look more summery too (in my opinion anyway). Hence, I prefer to use a lighter watch with a nylon bracelet during the warmer months.
My preferred summer watch of yore was a Nixon Sentry. Summer before last I found out the hard way that my Sentry was not waterproof. I have been looking for a replacement ever since its demise (the colorway that I like is no longer made). With the summer months again approaching, I was pretty excited to see this 1st PAT-RN collaboration with Timex show up in my reader feed this morning. It actually reminds me of the very first wristwatch that I ever owned. Gifted from my dad when I was 7 or 8 years old, it was also a Timex with an olive nylon bracelet . The watch needed to be manually wound up every morning and had the kind of glow in the dark material later determined to cause cancer, haha. The simplicity in styling and reversible nylon bracelet on this 1ST PAT-RN collab is exactly what I was looking for in a summer watch. It also happens to be extremely budget friendly. Needless to say, I snatched one up immediately. Unfortunately it ships from Northern Ireland, so I still have have to wait a few days to try it on. They are available for purchase here.