Upstate Winter Vibes

One of the crazy things about upstate New York is that it is like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. In the summer it is so green, lush and vibrant. In the winter it is like a dystopian wasteland. Anyway, we were in the Catskils over the weekend doing some research. It was kind of snowing, kind of raining, generally gross weather. We came across some dilapidated mansion/hotel looking structures that I had to pull over to get a couple of snaps of. I also love these awesome little trestle bridges where the highway goes back and forth over the river. Here are a couple of frames from the drive.

Support Paws NY

Dear Jake.News readers, and others who accidentally or otherwise had this post somehow show up in your browser:

As a major departure from my usual shtick, I’m reaching out to encourage donations for a good cause; Paws NY. As an active member of the community, my partner B is constantly looking for ways to get involved, whether it be volunteering at local schools (adorable), or cleaning up after someone else’s dog (ew) while walking Lola. As such, it was a natural fit that she teamed up with Paws NY in connection with the 2018 Half. Paws NY is a local Brooklyn resource for the elderly members of our community who have difficulties taking care of their animal companions. So if you are looking for some warm holiday fuzzies and possibly a deduction on your 2017 taxes, sponsor Britt in the 2018 NYC Half Marathon by donating to Paws NY.

Happy Holidays,


[IMG courtesy of Paws NY]

Peep this vid to learn more about the Paws NY organization-

NYC Marathon 2017

The marathon was especially exciting this year because an American woman won for the first time since 1977. It was also cool because I was able to reconnect with a couple of my friends from high school (one is in the last two photos below). For consistency’s sake, we watched the race from the exact same spot as last year. The photo above is almost identical to the one from last year, haha. The whole thing makes me very stoked to run Philly later this month.

Columbus Ride

Three day weekends are golden. Unfortunately for those who were in the tri-state area over Columbus day weekend, the weather was all over the place. Saturday (the only day of the three that did not have rain), I got on the bike and headed out of the city while the sun was still rising. My friend and I rode up through Rockland County to Harriman State Park, where the leaves are kind of changing, but not really. I’m guessing because it still hasn’t really gotten cold. It felt more like August than October the entire weekend. Anyway, riding through the woods, it was all foggy and seemed kind of twilight zoney. We stopped on Seven Lakes Drive to take these snaps. The last one was a timer shot from the bushes across the road. The bushes framed it nicely, IMO.

October 2017 Playlist

IDK about you guys, but I really wasn’t impressed with a lot of the new music that was released over the last summer. There was some okay stuff. But for the most part, kinda blah. When good music did come out, it was a single, not a whole album of goodness. Getting to the point, I was relatively pleased with Odesza’s new album that dropped in recent weeks. Consistent with their signature sound, etc. I feel like it may bring chill wave back into the limelight a bit. What better time than fall? That question was, of course, rhetorical. Now we just need Washed Out to make some new material. Haha. Anyway, here is ze Oct playlist-

Indian Summer

It is the last week of September, but you wouldn’t know it based on the temperature in NYC. We took advantage of the uncharacteristically warm weather and did some casual cycling through some parts of Brooklyn that were previously lesser known to us. Made it back to G-point in time for golden hour and a fantastic sunset.