Generational Bucket Hats

The Author and Infant Son With Matching Headgear | Courtesy B. Maschal Private Collection

Growing up, I was fortunate enough to have spent a lot of quality time with both of my grandfathers during the formative years of my youth. My paternal grandfather was brick mason who never fully retired. In almost every memory that I have of him, he is either building something or fixing something (when we weren’t fishing or camping together). Continue reading

Screamy Time

The Author and Son Spending Some Quality Time Outdoors | Courtesy B. Maschal Private Collection

Guys, karma comes back to bite (hard). This is a lesson I have repeatedly been dealt throughout my life. In this post, I will recount the most recent example. Continue reading

Shooting From the Hip

Mirror Selfie of the Author with Fuji Rangefinder in the Catskills

Those who know me well, know that I prefer to use one of my not-iphone cameras whenever possible. For the most part, I’m a die hard SLR guy. But different situations call for different tools. Cue, the Fujifilm x100s. I first discovered this camera when I was visiting my family in UT. A guy who I went to school with had recently opened a photog store in Salt Lake City and lent me the camera for the weekend. I found it to be very versatile and ended up picking one up for myself when I returned to NYC.Continue reading

Spring Running Gear – Nike Vaporfly 3

Brad Hall-Style Photo of the Sneaker on the Author’s Foot

I’ll start here by saying that I wanted the Alphafly 3’s but Nike sold out of the entire men’s sizes before I had time to cop, and have been out of stock since, with no word on when they will be restocked. Maybe it has something to do with this; unclear. So I rolled the dice on the above pictured Vaporfly 3’s. I’m happy to report that I have been pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoy them.Continue reading

Don’t Call It a Pillow!

The Author Delivers a Liquid Meal to His Topponcino Clad Infant Son | Courtesy B. Maschal Private Collection

One inescapable fact of becoming a new parent in this day and age, is that people are going to try to sell you stuff. Like, tons and tons of stuff. “Must haves” vs. “not worth the cash” recommendations for baby gear on the internet as well as that from friends who have children are contradictory at best. Paraphrasing one piece of advice received: “Trust me bro, if you don’t get that warmer for the butt wipes, you will regret it.” Meanwhile, another parent opined: “Can you believe they make warmers for the butt wipes? And people wonder why children are so coddled and helpless to do anything on their own these days!” I’m sure that both parties were 100% correct with respect to their personal experiences in child care.Continue reading

The Real Story Behind Apple’s Airpod Max

IMG: Elle

I’m sure that a lot of people like me have wondered how a product with such a boring and borderline sloppy design has gained as much popularity as has Apple’s Airpod Max headphones. I’m not sure if they sound good, and I honestly don’t care if they are the most amazing sounding things out there. I would never pay that much money for such a basic looking pair of ear goggles. I recently learned that this design was actually a bit of a fluke.Continue reading