
The leaves are changing in the Catskills! I put together the collage above from some of the leaves I saw around the yard this week. One of my drones is also now perched (probably permanently) in the top of one our tallest trees. But that is a story for a different day. I have uploaded a 10kx10k px version of the photo over here, for any other nerds who might be interested.

Random Set of Film Scans

Moon Lake, Utah– June 2016

I recently received a huge batch of scans of 35mm film shot over the past 5-6 years. I tried out a new (to me) lab for processing called Dark Slide. It is a one-lady owned and operated lab out of CT. I read about them on Field Mag and decided to give them a shot. I mailed in two rolls of Velvia 100 and one roll of Porto slide film in Sept. It took a while to get the results (and I’m still waiting on the prints/slides). But hey, these exposed rolls were sitting on my desk for about year. So what is another six weeks? Haha. Anyway, the scans came back in high resolution .tif format. I have exported a few to JPEG and posted them here. Mega gallery below-Continue reading

Beyond the Streets NYC

Hadn’t shot anything for Snob in a while. When I saw that “Beyond the Streets” was coming to my neighborhood, I raised my hand. I was able to get in the Thursday before it opened to the public, and it was mostly empty. There is a lot of good stuff from some of my favorite contemporary artists, many of them local. I would highly recommend checking it out, if you are into this sort of thing (or even if you are just dying to see what it looks like inside of that gorgeous new building at 25 Kent). Here are a few of the snaps.


The shark is by RISK. It is nicely juxtaposed with a tribute to the late great NEKST.


CR Styek III


Futura 2000

Bill Barminski


Craig Costello

Bill Barminski

Takashi Murakami

Futura 2000

KAWS ‘Gone’ at Skarstedt

KAWS is currently showing at Skarstedt. Here are some very lazy un-color-corrected photos of the exhibit. We popped in the day after it opened, but I haven’t had time to write this up until now. Definitely worth checking out, and still open until Dec 19. Wear your loudest Off-White piece to fit in. Supreme x The North Face will do in a pinch. Learn more here.

Seattle WA and Mt. Hood

Did a night and a morning in Seattle (I recommend checking out Black Bottle), then drove to Hood River via the Columbia River gorge. Stayed the night at the Hood River Hotel. It had an old school mountain town vibe and an amazing scando brunch joint adjacent to the lobby. More good stuff in Hood River: check out Double Mountain and Sushi Okalani if you have a chance. On the way back to Portland, we drove over Mount Hood. There was a cloud parked on top of it, which made for some ethereal scenery. I Mixed in some crappy celly shots again. Apologies.

Some Art, Some Running

Even though it is March and the days are getting longer, it still 100% feels like winter out there. Despite the temps, B and I forced ourselves to be out and about last week. Thursday night we hit the Retna opening at Chase Contemporary. I have been a fan of his for a while. Here is a sample of his Bowery wall mural, as I saw it in March 2012. Anyway, we saw some equally awesome stuff at the gallery opening on Thurs.

That being said, I kind of feel bad for anyone who opened an exhibition last week in NYC, because the town was all abuzz with the fact that Banksy was back in North America and had put some work in NYC. So much hype that even the local news covered it, hahahaha. Lordy, it was like listening to a couple of elderly ladies talking about “the grime raps” or something. Speaking of the Bowery Mural, B*nksy has turned it into his latest propaganda piece.

I haven’t made it over to see that one yet. But we did wander into Chelsea to look at the rat. Here are a couple of snaps, along with a couple of my faves from the Retna opening.

Aaaaand finally, B and I both ran the NYC half on Sunday. It was a new course, starting in Prospect Park, ending in Central Park. The course went over the Manhattan Bridge, which was awesome for me since I mix that bridge into most of my longer runs anyway. The difference being that I usually have it to myself instead of sharing it with 20k other runners. Back to the weather…. this was probably the coldest race I have ever run. It was fine, once I finally got going and the sun came up. But man, waiting for it to start was brutal! New course is amazing. B got a PR. Overall, a really decent day. Here is a crappy pic from my celly of my fellow runners freezing their booties off in Prospect Park.

Michael Beerens

I came across these pieces on Ekosystem last month and was blown away. The artist’s name is Michael Beerens. Beerens is a France based artist, who I will admit that I had never heard of until I came across the aforementioned post on Eko. I looked at a bunch of his work after discovering, and a lot of it is animal-centric, similar to Roa and Nychos. Anyway, these schools of fish are what really stood out to me. The piece in the first image, especially.

[Images via Ekosystem]