Photo Dump Nov. 2024

Here are a handful of snaps from November that seemed nice to publish. Up top is from a hike that we managed to sneak in at Windham high peak. Our good friend Szabi and his dogs joined us and was kind enough to take a family portrait (second to last below). Continue reading

December 2024 Playlist

Mixing it up a bit for the final playlist of the 2024- I started with a few tracks that I have been jamming to lately, then sprinkled in a track or two from each of prior playlists I published this year. Most, but not all of them are tracks that were released this calendar year. Anyway, happy holidays, new year, etc..

February 2024 Playlist

We are squarely into the back third of winter. Sunset is now after 5PM. February is here, and it is leap year. Some jams for us to collectively enjoy during the next 29 days of February-

January 2024 Playlist

Happy New Year!! Here we find ourselves staring down the barrel of 2024. Geopolitical outcomes of certain matters slated for this year could have far reaching consequences. Anxiety inducing uncertainty abounds. But hey, here are some jams to take your mind off of it! Enjoy–

Denial on Sugarloaf!

Welp, as they say- you can’t win ’em all. We had a bit of warm weather leading up to the first weekend of April and decided to check another peak off of B’s dwindling list of 3500s by hiking Sugarloaf. We had successfully hit the adjacent peak a week earlier, and were expecting slightly better trail conditions based on the recent warmer temps.Continue reading