Rick Rubin has always been a bit of an enigma to me. I remember reading an interview he gave after Beastie Boys’ License to Ill came out (which he produced) and thinking, “wow, this guy is out there!” During that same time period he was tapped to produce some of my other favorite albums. He has received mentions in multiple other musician memoirs that I have read. So I was very curious to see what he had to say in his book “The Creative Act: A Way of Being.”
As with most of the books that I have really enjoyed recently, I didn’t realize that this book existed until I received it as a gift from B. She read it first and warned me that it might be a little too far on the ‘self-help’ end of the spectrum for my liking. At first blush, I saw what she meant. There was definitely a bit of a self-help element to it, as well as some stuff that was a bit more hippie dippy than I typically care for. But overall, I really enjoyed the text. It is one of those books that feels like there is a little something for everyone. Rubin acknowledges in one of the early chapters that the reader should take from the book the parts that make sense and discard the rest. If the book was an 800 pager, I would have probably found that notion to be offensive. Luckily, the book is much shorter than that, very densely packed and easily digestible. I would recommend this one to anyone who has any hobbies or interests outside of the daily grind.