2024 Recap in Photos from Jake’s iPhone

Family Photo | Courtesy Sazbi Erdei Private Collection

It’s that time of year where I load all of the photos saved to my iPhone from the calendar year into a video editor and play them back at 1/4 of a second per frame. It goes without saying that, for me, the most meaningful event of 2024 was the birth of my son. He is by far and away my most photographed subject of the 2024 recap vid. Some other notable events from the year are:

  • The solar eclipse in April. At our place in the Catskills, we experienced about 90% of total coverage, which was pretty cool. As a bonus, we watched it with my parents, who were in town to meet their new grandson that week!
  • Something that was probably only exciting to me- we finally painted the Catskills place. I never liked that baby blue-ish color that it was painted when we bought it. But it was new paint and we couldn’t really justify spending the cash to paint over it just because I didn’t like the color.
  • Something that was initially only exciting to me, but B eventually came around to- we built a garage. I should say, we had a garage built. I would have loved to have done the whole thing myself. But it would have taken me years of weekends and evenings. I did get to learn to operate a giant excavator though!
  • I completed marathon number 15.
  • Final item to mention is that after over 10 years of working in midtown, I’m now sitting in the Flatiron District. Still getting used to it, but overall positive. Biggest change is not being able to run in Central Park at lunchtime anymore.

Happy New Year!

2022 Recap in Jake’s iPhone Photos

2022 was another super weird year. This time last year, I felt like 2022 was going to be the one where we would finally regain some post-pandemic “normalcy.” Welp, that kind of went out the window in February when all of the Ukraine stuff started. It seems like things just spiraled into bizzaro world from there. I can’t really complain from a personal perspective, other than about the anxiety caused from uncertainty of macro issues beyond my control. Overall, I consider myself very fortunate to have had another year of meaningful experiences and personal growth. Met some very cool people and spent time with people I love.Continue reading

No. 14

I won’t bore everyone with the backstory for this one. Long and short is that Britt got me a bib for this race as a b-day gift when I was complaining about not having run any fast (flat) courses and as a result having never qualified for Boston. As it turns out, I may just not have it in me, oof.

The race was the Palm Beaches Marathon, in FL. It is conveniently located very proximate to the casa of my MIL. So we crashed at her place and had a nice time palling around with her and her partner all weekend in south FL. The race had a 6 AM gun time. But the logistics were so easy that I was able to avoid a lot of the typical pre-race anxiety that I usually experience.

It was already 70 degrees when we started, and it was about an hour before sunrise. There was a breeze coming off the water, so it actually felt pretty pleasant. But when the sun came up… oh man. I’ll use that as an excuse. But in reality, I put on about 2 lbs in beer weight after the NYC race. Yeahhhhhh, between Thanksgiving and holiday parties, I managed to sloppy up a fair bit. I was also quite casual about my program (i.e. had no program) for running between the NYC race and Palm Beach. At any rate, the flat course was a huge factor. Even though I wasn’t able to get a 3:20 (which is what I would have needed to qualify for Boston), it still ended up being my 3rd or 4th fastest Marathon (even counting the ones I ran when in my 20s), despite the above mention setbacks.

Positive takeaways- #1- First time I have ever worn a 3″ inseam short (notice the massive tan lines). Bought them on a whim when I was picking up some salt tablets. I don’t think that I’ll ever go back to the 5″ in warm weather. #2- Small races are cool. Energy is much different, but the tradeoff is having a low stress environment. It was so rad to see Britt right at the finish line. They also didn’t charge anything to download the race photos!! #4- I guess I don’t really care if I ever get into Boston or not. I just like running, haha.

Recap of the Year 2020 in Jake’s iPhone Photos

This year was a lot different for pretty much every human on the planet, including me. As a result, the difference in this year’s photo recap, vs those from past years is pretty stark, starting around March. In keeping with tradition, I dumped all of the photos from my phone that were taken this year into a video editor and gave each frame 0.2 seconds. Some of the photos were taken by Britt and sent to me. Some were taken on a real camera and saved to my phone for sharing with others. The effect is the same- a ~9 minute flip book of 2020 soundtracked by a couple of jams that I had on heavy rotation this year. A lot less travel this year (in fact no travel at all except for a work conference in January that took us to Miami for a weekend). A lot more selfies this year. Not really sure what was up with that. There is also 1000% more Lola and nature.

Behold, 2020 in photos from my phone–


2020 Photo Recap in Jake's iPhone Photos from Jacob Breinholt on Vimeo.

Recap of the Year 2018 in Jake’s iPhone Photos

For a few years now, I have been making these silly recap videos from a year’s worth of iPhone photos. Here are some from past years. The one from 2016, for some reason I did not publish on here. But here it is anyway. This year’s iteration is ~6800 photos shown roughly in order at 1/20th of a second per frame. Even with the fast frame rate, the video is still seven minutes long, which is longer than most most people’s attention span. So, if you are stuck in an elevator or something, enjoy–

2018 Photo Recap in Jake's iPhone Photos from Jacob Breinholt on Vimeo.

2017 Photo Recap

2017 is coming to a close and as such, here is a little video that I put together from the photos on my phone taken this calendar year (not all of which were actually taken with my phone). There were only ~6000 and change this year, down about 50% from the past two years (2016) (2015). I suspect that this is because I had such a busy year in my professional life. Each frame plays for about a quarter of a second.

2015 Video Recap

It wouldn’t be a proper year without me recapping it in video form. These are all iPhone snaps that I pulled from my mobile. There were roughly 12,000 of them. Here they are played back at one third of a second per photo. Since I take a lot of sequential photos, the effect is flipbook-like. Check it below if you have about 15 mins to spare.

2015 in iPhone Photos from Jacob Breinholt on Vimeo.